Showing posts with label TANZANIA NORTHERN SAFARIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TANZANIA NORTHERN SAFARIS. Show all posts





 KILIMANJARO JOY TOURS & SAFARI LTD experience Lake Manyara, the Great Rift Valley escarpment, tree climbing lions, Olduvai gorge ‘cradle of mankind’, last remains of early man, Ngorongoro crater the Eighth wonder of the world and two biospheres.
Day 1: Tanzania Adventure Safari depart from Arusha Airport in the morning to Lake Manyara. On arrival, you will be met and transferred to Lake Manyara Serena Lodge. Perched a top the Rift Valley escarpment the lodge has 67 rooms including 1 suite providing panoramic views across the volcano-studded floor of the Great Rift Valley.
After lunch, proceed for an afternoon game drive in this park situated between the escarpment of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Manyara. Abundant birdlife include flamingos, bee-eaters, forest dwelling crowned eagles, waterfowls, crowned cranes, snipes and pratincoles whareas game animals include the Buffalo, Elephant, Giraffe, Impala, hippo, hippos, baboons and a great variety of smaller animals. The park is also renowned for its tree-climbing lions. Dinner and overnight at Lake Manyara Serena Lodge.


Day 2: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast proceed through the coffees farms of Karatu and continue into the Ngorongoro highlands. Ngorongoro Crater is located within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area a huge area that contains active volcanoes, mountains, archeological sites, rolling plains, forests, lakes, dunes and of course, Ngorongoro Crater and Olduvai Gorge. Continue to ascend the exterior of the crater reaching its rim and have a first glimpse of what has often been referred to as the ‘Eighth wonder of the world’.
You have lunch at Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge, which is perched on the jagged rim of the crater. Wreathed in morning mist, camouflaged in river-stone and cloaked in indigenous creepers it is a triumph of ecological and architectural fusion. In the afternoon visit the Masai boma. Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.

Day 3: Tanzania Adventure Safari after an early breakfast, head to the floor of the crater for an opportunity to view delicate balance of predator and prey in their endless quest for survival. Here grassland blends into swamps, lakes, rivers, woodland and mountains – all a heaven for wildlife, including the densest predator population in Africa. The crater is home to up to 25,000 large mammals, mainly grazers – gazelle, buffalo, eland, hartebeest and warthog. The crater elephants are strangely, mainly bulls. There are a small number of black rhinos here too. The birdlife is largely seasonal and is also affected by the ratio of soda to fresh water in Lake Magadi on the crater floor. Picnic lunch might be carried to be enjoyed by a water pond. When the sun nears the crater’s west rim you return to Ngorongoro Serena Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast drive to Olduvai Gorge in Serengeti National Park. Olduvai Gorge ‘the cradle of Mankind’ is an archaeological site located in the eastern Serengeti Plains. It is here that the remains of the early man Homo sapiens were found. The gorge is a very steep sided ravine roughly 30 miles long and 295 ft. deep. Exposed deposits show rich fossil fauna, many hominid remains and items belonging to the one of the oldest stone tool technologies, called Olduwan. The time span of the objects recovered date from 2,100,000 to 15,000 years ago.
Later continue to the Nabi Gate to start your exploration of vast plains of the Serengeti whose endless rolling plains reach up to the Kenyan border and extend almost to Lake Victoria. The park is flourishes with magnificent wildlife. An estimated 3 million large animals roam the plains. After lunch at Serengeti Serena Lodge proceed for an afternoon game drive until sunset.
The lodge has 66 rooms including 1 suite. Each room is accommodated in a stone-built, traditionally-thatched ‘Rondavel’, featuring natural stone bathrooms, wildwood balconies, rope-lashed staircases, leopard-print drapes and intricately carved furniture. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Serena Lodge.

Day 5: Tanzania Adventure Safari have morning and afternoon game drives exploring the Serengeti plains. The Serengeti is known as one the best wildlife sanctuary in the world as well as for the migration of animals. Every October and November, more than a million wildebeest and about 220,000 zebras travel south from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short tropical rains, and then journey west and north after the long rains in April to June. Two World Heritage Sites and two Biosphere Reserves have been established within this area. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Serena Lodge.
Day 6: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast, transfer to Seronera airstrip for the flight back to Arusha Airport for your onward travel plans.
1 Transport with 4×4
2 All park fees
3 3 meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner
4 Accommodation in the camp
5 Driver English speaking.
Not Included
1 Drinking water
2 Visas
3 Personal spending money for beers, sodas, cigarettes
4 Tips
English flagItalian flagKorean flagChinese (Simplified) flagChinese (Traditional) flagPortuguese flagGerman flagFrench flagSpanish flagJapanese flagRussian flagDutch flagDanish flagPolish flagSwedish flagNorwegian flagHebrew flag



5 days Tanzania Budget Safari occurrence with completely private Classic  camping safari all the way through the world heritage Serengeti plains with the great wildebeest  migrations, Crater tour in Ngorongoro and the Great Rift Valley among the earth features and only biosphere reserve in northern Tanzania; Lake Manyara.

Day 1: Arrival  at Kilimanjaro international Airport
 Arrival at Kilimanjaro international Airport you will be met by our  Safari Guide, who will welcome you and give you a short briefing before drive to  Arusha for your dinner and overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge

Day 2: Lake Manyara National Park 
In the morning after breakfast you will drive to Lake Manyara National park the Great Rift Valley among the earth features and only biosphere reserve in north Tanzania. In the evening you will enjoy your game drive in Lake Manyara National Park, the most spectacularly located wildlife areas in Tanzania. From the entrance gate, the road wind speed through a spread of lush jungle where hundreds of strong baboon troops lounge nonchalantly along the roadside. The park is world eminent for tree climbing lions which you may be lucky to see them in the twigs of trees. The attractions include thousands of pink hued flamingos, baboons, elephant, large buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, and blue monkeys. Late in the afternoon you will be drive to Heaven Nature Campsite in Manyara your dinner and overnight. 

Day 3: Serengeti National Park 
After breakfast, you will start your safari to Serengeti National Park with your picnic lunch. As we drive through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and on to the Serengeti National Park, en route you will begin to experience the utter hugeness of this area, and you will marvel at the multitude of animal and bird life while cruising through this remarkable open area.In other way you will enjoyvan afternoon game drive in the endless plains of the Serengeti for a chance to see the great flocks of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles or a pride of lions lounging in the shade. Dinner and overnight at the Campsite in the Central Serengeti.

Day 4: Ngorongoro  Conservation Area 
Early breakfast at the camp, depart for the Morning game drive in Central  Serengeti National Park ,en route to  Ngorongoro Conservation Area with your picnic lunch, We will stopover at Olduvai Gorge, boasting with a history dating back to the dawn of time. It was here, that the anthropologists Drs. Lois and Mary Leakey discovered the skulls of ‘Nutcracker Man’ and Handy Man, both very significant links in the chain of human evolution. You may visit Maasai Cultures if you are interested, and then proceed in the afternoon game drive in the Conservation area. Dinner and overnight Camping at the crater rim.

Day 5: Crater tour- Arusha 
Today after breakfast we will descend 2000 feet (over 600 meters) to the floor of the crater for a half day crater tour with your packed lunches. Explore the forest areas that are inhabited by monkeys and elephants, the lake area, where you see the large flocks of flamingo sand the open Savannah where the lions hunt for food. After lunch drive back to Arusha, then transferred to Kilimanjaro airport for your flight. End of our services.
Please Contact us for 5 days 5 days Tanzania Budget Safari  and receive 10% off discount .
1 Transport with 4×4
2 All park fees
3 3 meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner
4 Accommodation in the camp
5 Driver English speaking.
Not Included
1 Drinking water
2 Visas
3 Personal spending money for beers, sodas, cigarettes
4 Tips
English flagItalian flagKorean flagChinese (Simplified) flagChinese (Traditional) flagPortuguese flagGerman flagFrench flagSpanish flagJapanese flagRussian flagDutch flagDanish flagPolish flagSwedish flagNorwegian flagHebrew flag



Group Join Tanzania Safari  Tanzania Safaris group join, Tanzania Budget Safaris group join, group joining Tanzania Safari, Budget Safari Tanzania group join.
Group Join Tanzania Safari  we always have other clients wishing to join safaris, this is an affordable way to do your safaris, you may join as a single traveler or as a couple etc, safaris start and end in Arusha Town. By small group safaris we are referring to safaris which have set departure dates and are designed for those who might prefer to join a small group rather than arrange a tailor made safari.
There are a number of advantages (and some disadvantages) – on the up side, they are usually more reasonably priced and feature a knowledgeable and enthusiastic tour guide. They are also a great way to meet other travelers from around the world. The only potentially negative aspects that you need to keep in mind are the fact that the itinerary is ‘set in stone’ and that each tour leaves on specified dates through the year which may not coincide with when you had planned to arrive in Africa.
Group Join Tanzania Safari this is a fantastic safari tour that takes you to Tanzania’s main national parks including Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire and of course the world famous Serengeti.
 Group Join Tanzania Safari
Day 01. Lake Manyara.
Group Join Tanzania Safari  leave Arusha arriving by lunch time, proceed to Lake Manyara National Park for afternoon game drive
From the entrance gate, the road winds through an expanse of lush jungle-like groundwater forest where hundred-strong baboon troops lounge nonchalantly along the roadside, blue monkeys scamper nimbly between the ancient mahogany trees, dainty bushbuck tread warily through the shadows, and outsized forest hornbills honk cacophonously in the high canopy.
Contrasting with the intimacy of the forest is the grassy floodplain and its expansive views eastward, across the alkaline lake, to the jagged blue volcanic peaks that rise from the endless Maasai Steppes. Large buffalo, wildebeest and zebra herds congregate on these grassy plains, as do giraffes – some so dark in coloration that they appear to be black from a distance. Dinner and overnight at campsite.

Day 02. Serengeti National Park .
Group Join Tanzania Safari after breakfast depart for Serengeti national  park Tanzania’s oldest and most popular national park, also a world heritage site and recently proclaimed a 7th world wide wonder, the Serengeti is famed for its annual migration,
when some six million hooves pound the open plains, as more than 200,000 zebra and 300,000 Thomson’s gazelle join the wildebeest’s trek for fresh grazing.Yet even when the migration is quiet, the Serengeti offers arguably the most scintillating game-viewing in Africa: great herds of buffalo, smaller groups of elephant and giraffe, and thousands upon thousands of eland, topi, kongoni, impala and Grant’s gazelle. Meals and overnight at campsite.

Day 03. Serengeti National Park-
Group Join Tanzania Safari a full day with morning and afternoon game drives to explore the plains.The spectacle of predator versus prey dominates Tanzania’s greatest park. Golden-maned lion prides feast on the abundance of plain grazers. Solitary leopards haunt the acacia trees lining the Seronera River, while a high density of cheetahs prowls the southeastern plains.
A million wildebeest… each one driven by the same ancient rhythm, fulfilling its instinctive role in the inescapable cycle of life:
a frenzied three-week bout of territorial conquests and mating; survival of the fittest as 40km (25 mile) long columns plunge through crocodile-infested waters on the annual exodus north;
replenishing the species in a brief population explosion that produces more than 8,000 calves daily before the 1,000 km (600 mile) pilgrimage begins again.
Almost uniquely, all three African jackal species occur here, alongside the spotted hyena and a host of more elusive small predators, ranging from the insectivorous aardwolf to the beautiful serval cat, evening drive back to the camp for hot shower , Dinner and overnight at campsite. 
Day 04.Serengeti National Park- Ngorongoro Conservation Area                                                                                         After breakfast depart for Ngorongoro, via olduvai gorge , with picnic lunch, visit maasi village, Ngorongoro   one of the natural wonders of the world.
Apart from conserving world heritage, Ngorongoro plays a major role in national development. “We pay 30 per cent corporate tax, 3 per cent tourism tax, and remit 10 per cent of our earnings to the treasury”, explains Bernard Murunya, the NCAA’s Chief Conservator. “We also give over US$125,000 to the local District Council as well as supporting the area’s Pastoralist Council, in addition to funding various community projects such as schools, hospitals, veterinary services and road construction,” he adds.  Meals and overnight at campsite.
Day 05. Ngorongoro crater.
Group Join Tanzania Safari  after early morning breakfast, leave with picnic lunch for a full day crater tour, you will be taken 2000ft down the crater by a 4wheel drive vehicle.  Encompassing three spectacular volcanic craters, the Olduvai Gorge, huge expanses of savannah, forest and bush land, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area is the flagship of Tanzania’stourism industry.
The Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority  (NCAA), measuring 8,300 square kilometres, is also the only place on earth where mankind and wild animals co-exist in harmony. The NCAA became a Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1971 and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979.
Originally part of the Serengeti National Park when the latter was established by the British in 1951, in 1959 the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA) was formed, separating NCAA from Serengeti. Land within the area is multi-use, providing protection status for wildlife while also permitting human habitation. Its uniqueness lays in the fact that the NCA is where man, livestock and wild animals live in peace: Maasai cattle can sometimes be seen grazing alongside zebras on Ngorongoro’s grassland.
Explore the crater before ascending back to the camp for dinner and overnight.
Day 06. Tarangire National Park 
Group Join Tanzania Safari after breakfast in Ngorongoro drive to Tarangire National Park  with picnic lunch . Afternoon game drive.    The fierce sun sucks the moisture from the landscape, baking the earth a dusty red, the withered grass as brittle as straw. The Tarangire River has shrivelled to a shadow of its wet season self. But it is choked with wildlife. Thirsty nomads have wandered hundreds of parched kilometres knowing that here, always, there is water.
Herds of up to 300 elephants scratch the dry river bed for underground streams, while migratory wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, impala, gazelle, hartebeest and eland crowd the shrinking lagoons. It’s the greatest concentration of wildlife outside the Serengeti ecosystem – a smorgasbord for predators – and the one place in Tanzania where dry-country antelope such as the stately fringe-eared oryx and peculiar long-necked gerenuk are regularly observed.
Dinner and overnight at campsite.
Day 07. Tarangire National Park – Arusha.
Group Join Tanzania Safari after breakfast go for a morning walking Safari just Inside  the park escorted by armed park  ranger ,
During the rainy season, the seasonal visitors scatter over a 20,000 sq km (12,500 sq miles) range until they exhaust the green plains and the river calls once more. But Tarangire’s mobs of elephant are easily encountered, wet or dry.
The swamps, tinged green year round, are the focus for 550 bird varieties, the most breeding species in one habitat anywhere in the world.
On drier ground you find the Kori bustard, the heaviest flying bird; the stocking-thighed ostrich, the world’s largest bird; and small parties of ground hornbills blustering like turkeys.
More ardent bird-lovers might keep an eye open for screeching flocks of the dazzlingly colourful yellow-collared lovebird, and the somewhat drabber rufous-tailed weaver and ashy starling – all endemic to the dry savannah of north-central Tanzania.
Disused termite mounds are often frequented by colonies of the endearing dwarf mongoose, and pairs of red-and-yellow barbet, which draw attention to themselves by their loud, clockwork-like duetting.
Tarangire’s pythons climb trees, as do its lions and leopards, lounging in the branches where the fruit of the sausage tree disguises the twitch of a tail.
then depart for Arusha arrive in the late afternoon drop off to your Hotel for dinner and overnight .

5Days Budget Safari, Northern Tanzania

5Days Budget Safari, Northern Tanzania

5 Days 4 Nights Tanzania Basic Budget Camping Safari – Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro
  • Day 01: Arusha/Tarangire National Park (120km – 1½hours) 
    Pick up from your hotel in Arusha at 0900am and drive on tarmac road 120km to Tarangire National Park (2,850 sq km or 1,005 sq mile’s) for game drives.
    Lunch picnic there after lunch continue with afternoon game viewing in the park, a home to Lion, Leopard, Elephant, buffalo, Python, Zebra, Oryx, Impala and more…
    Over 450 species of birds have been observed.
    Tarangire National Park is most spectacular during the dry season when thousands of animals migrate into the park from the surrounding dry Maasai steppe, to use the permanent water supply of the Tarangire River.
    You can see herds of elephants, numbering over a hundred.
    Tarangire is also renowned for its tree pythons, which are easily seen.
    The animal population in the dry season rivals that of the Serengeti with wildebeest, zebra, eland, hartebeest, buffalo, gerenuk, fringe eared Oryx and flocks of birds of many different species.
    Prime game viewing is between July through November.
    The famous and giant baobab trees dot the park, their branches looking just like roots.
    Some of the baobab trees are over 300 years old. Legend has it that a displeased god turned them upside down at the time of creation.
    Dinner and Overnight at Tarangire Zion Campsite
    Meals Plan: {Lunch, Diner}
    Day 02: Tarangire National Park/Lake Manyara National Park (70km – 1hour)
    Breakfast at 0700am. Pick up from the Campsite at 0800am and drive on tarmac road 60km with lunch box to Lake Manyara National Park (330 sq km or 127 sq mile’s) on the base of the Great Rift Valley, for the Afternoon game drives.
    The park is home to Lion, Hippo, Elephant, Zebra, Buffalo, Giraffe, Baboon, Blue and Vervet monkey, Warthog and more…
    About 350 species of birds have been recorded.
    This small park contains also five distinct vegetation zones.
    Thus supporting a large variety of birds and animals.
    The Manyara National park is also famous for its large flocks of flamingos.
    In this park canoeing has recently been added to the tourist activities in this park at extra cost.
    This is a great way to see the park from a new perspective.
    Dinner and overnight at Lake Manyara Twiga Camp Site.
    Meals Plan: {Breakfast, Lunch, Diner}
    Day 03: Lake Manyara National Park /Serengeti National Park (205km – 5 hours)
    Breakfast at around 0700am. Pick up from the Campsite at 0800am and drive to the Great Serengeti National Park (14,763 sq km or 5,700 sq mile’s) with your Picnic Lunch Packed and game drives en route via Ngorongoro Crater rim.
    Serengeti National Park is a home to lion, leopard, Elephant, Cheetah, Buffalo, Zebra, Wildebeest, Eland, Wild dog, Gazelles, Crocs and more.
    Lot of birds includes the Eurasia migrants.
    Dinner and Overnight at Serengeti Seronera Camp Site.
    Meals Plan: {Breakfast, Lunch, Diner}
    Day 04: Serengeti National Park/Ngorongoro Crater Rim(145km – 3 hours)
    Wake up at 0600hours for early morning game drives in Serengeti at 0900 hours back to the Campsite for breakfast.
    Then check out and drive with lunch and game viewing en route to Ngorongoro Crater Rim.
    OPTION: Visit the Olduvai Gorge at extra fee $20.- USD for the museum.
    Dinner and Overnight at Ngorongoro Simba “A” Campsite. 
    Meals Plan: {Breakfast, Lunch, Diner}
    The Serengeti means endless plains in Maasai language. In the central plains there are carnivores like leopard, lion, hyena and cheetah.
    This park is normally the scene of the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra that occurs between the Kenyan Mara and the Serengeti.
    Varied bird species can be seen here including eagles, ducks, geese, egrets, vultures, secretary birds, ibis, stork, herons, kites, pelicans, cranes and guinea fowl.
    Day 05: Ngorongoro Crater Floor/Arusha (190km – 3 hours)
    Wake up early morning for breakfast then at 0730hours descend into the Crater floor (19.2 km of diameter, 610m deep, 304 sq km) for game drives.
    All the Big five Rhino Lion, Leopard, Buffalo and Elephant live in this wonderful caldera, others are Zebra, Hippo, Wildebeest, Hyena and more…
    Birds includes flamingos on the Soda lake, Geese, Storks, Vultures and more…Your lunch will be served in the picnic site in the Crater at Ngoitoktok swamp a Hippo pool.
    Ngorongoro Crater- The largest unbroken caldera in the world, Ngorongoro has an area of 260 kilometers and a depth of 610 meters.
    The crater provides a protected habitat for thousands of mammals and birds. The entire day is spent on the crater floor viewing lion, hyena, wildebeest, zebra, black rhinoceros, and many species of small antelopes.
    The Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area is located between the Serengeti and Lake Manyara. It is home to the famous Ngorongoro Crater which is the largest unbroken caldera in the world.
    The Crater is a spectacular setting in which to experience your African safari.
    Some scientists maintain that before it erupted, Ngorongoro Crater- the largest intact caldera in the world would have been higher than Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa.
    Covering a mere 260 square kilometers (100 square miles), the 600 meter (1969 foot)-deep Crater is home to a permanent population of more than 30 000 animals.
    It is one of the few places in Africa where you stand a very good chance of seeing the Big Five (lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and elephant) in the course of a game- drive.
    The local Maasai have permission to graze their cattle on the Crater floor, and it is not unusual to see Maasai cattle and buffalo grazing together with lion mere meters away.
    There are around 1000 lions in the Crater, approximately 20 black rhino, and the spectacular Lerai Forest is one of the best places in Africa to spot leopard.
    After lunch proceed with fame viewing while ascending the Crater and Arusha for drop off in Arusha Town or Arusha Airport for your flight.
    Meals Plan: {Breakfast, Lunch}




Day 1:Depart from Arusha at 0830hrs with picnic lunch boxes for Ngorongoro Crater game drives, dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge.
 Day 2:After breakfast depart with picnic lunch boxes for Serengeti park game drive en route,dinner and overnight at Seronera Wildlife Lodge.
 Day 3:Full day Serengeti park game drives, all meals and overnight at Seronera Wildlife Lodge.
 Day 4:Full day Serengeti park game drives, all meals and overnight at Seronera Wildlife Lodge.
 Day 5:Full day Serengeti park game drives, later afternoon drive to Ndutu for dinner and overnight at Ndutu Katikati Tented Camp.
 Day 6:Full day game drive in Ndutu area, all meals and overnight at Nduru Katikati Tented Camp.
 Day 7: Full day game drive in Ndutu area, all meals and overnight at Nduru Katikati Tented Camp.
 Day 8:Morning game drives in Ndutu,thereafter drive to Karatu for Hot lunch at Bougainvelia lodge,then proceed to Arusha town.
 End of Services
 Activities/services included in the cost:
Accommodation as per the itinerary
Lodges/camps  on Full Board
Road transportation in 4wd land Cruiser safari vehicle
Game drives as per the itinerary
Park entrance fees and crater service fees
English Speaking guides available for the safari
Activities/services excluded in the cost:
Visit to Masai Cultural Village
All International Flights/local Flights + Taxes
Visa fees, Travel & Personal accident insurance
Excursions, services and activities not mentioned in this program
Personal expenses e.g. laundry, telephone calls, Drinks, Tips and gratuities