Showing posts with label TANZANIA SAFARIES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TANZANIA SAFARIES. Show all posts



8 Days Tanzania Migration Safari serengeti Migration Safaris , The Great Annual wildebeest Migration Safari,Serengeti Migration Safari, Tanzania Budget Safari, 
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration  Experience the romantic setting of East Africa, following the ancient migratory routes of plains game over the borders of Tanzania and Kenya. Pursue the famous annual Great Migration of wildebeest and zebra from the vast grasslands of the Masai Mara to the endless plains of the Serengeti.
Hot springs and exotic bird life await at Lake Manyara National Park, with stunning Rift Valley geography. Marvel at the unforgettably romantic views of the Ngorongoro Crater, the largest intact caldera in the world, and its incredible concentration of wildlife.
Day 1:Arrival – Arusha
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration  Arrive at  Kilimanjaro International Airport meet and great be your guide who will  transfer you to Mount Meru Hotel for Dinner and overnight stay.
Day 2 Arusha – Lake Manyara
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration  leave Arusha at 0800 hrs and proceed to Lake Manyara national park for full day game drives with packed lunches – proceed to Ngorongoro conservation area for dinner and overnight stay at Ngorongoro Serena lodge . Located beneath the cliffs of the Manyara Escarpment, on the edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park offers varied ecosystems, incredible bird life, and breathtaking views.
Lake Manyara’s famous tree-climbing lions are another reason to pay this park a visit. The only kind of their species in the world, they make the ancient mahogany and elegant acacias their home during the rainy season, and are a well-known but rather rare feature of the northern park. In addition to the lions, the national park is also home to the largest concentration of baboons anywhere in the world — a fact that makes for interesting game viewing of large families of the primates.

Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater Tour
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration early breakfast then descend into to Ngorongoro Crater for a full day crater tour with packed lunches ascend for dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.
The Ngorongoro Crater is often called ‘Africa’s Eden’ and the ‘8th Natural Wonder of the World,’ a visit to the crater is a main draw card for tourists coming to Tanzania and a definite world-class attraction. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is home of Ngorongoro Crater.
It was formed some 2.5 million years ago from a volcanic mountain sinking due to inactivity, and was initially thought to be higher than Tanzania’s famous Kilimanjaro.
The crater has evolved into a unique and integral part of Tanzania’s eco-system. The crater is actually a caldera, measures 22.5 km’s across and the rim walls stand 600m high.
Views from within and from the rim are breathtaking (as can be seen from the picture). The crater houses 30,000 animals and a large variety of birds, which rarely move from the area due to the availability of water through wet and dry seasons

Day 4: Serengeti Ndutu Plains – Olduvai Gorge
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration after breakfast drive to Ngorongoro Conservation Area via Olduvai Gorge archaeological site. At Olduvai palaeo-anthropological diggings and discoveries have taken place over many years, by, among others, the famous husband-and-wife team of Louis and Mary Leakey. After leaving Olduvai we will soon be passing through multitudes of wildebeest en route to the renowned Ndutu Area, ideally situated under classic umbrella-thorn acacias in the heart of the southern Serengeti where we spend the afternoon viewing herds of wildebeest/Zebras and predators. Dinner and overnight stay at Ndutu safari lodge or Luxury Tented camp

Days 5 -7: Ndutu plains
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration the next 3 days will be spent exploring the grassy plains and woodlands in the area, tracking the massed herds of wildebeest and zebra, witnessing the birth of new calves and trailing predators such as lion, cheetah and hyena on the hunt. The area also teems with other wildlife, including elephants, eland, various gazelle species, Kirk’s dik-dik, giraffe and the elusive leopard. Ndutu safari lodge or Luxury Tented camp Serengeti is easily
Tanzania’s most famous national park, and it’s also the largest, at 14,763 square kilometres of protected area that borders Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Park It is the Migration for which Serengeti is perhaps most famous.
Over a million wildebeest and about 200,000 zebras flow south from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short rains every October and November, and then swirl west and north after the long rains in April, May and June.
So strong is the ancient instinct to move that no drought, gorge or crocodile infested river can hold them back. The Wildebeest travel through a variety of parks, reserves and protected areas and through a variety of habitat. Join us to explore the different forms of vegetation and landscapes of the Serengeti ecosystem and meet some of their most fascinating inhabitants.

Day 8:Depart
8 Days Tanzania Serengeti Migration breakfast then drive  back to Arusha  arrive by 1300 hrs for lunch at Shanga House , after lunch transfer and drop off to the airport to board your home bound flight.
-N.B – you could add a few days to Zanzibar
The safari and tour prices below include
  • 6 day Migration safari to Tanzania’s northern circuit as per sample itinerary
  • Lodge accommodation for the duration of the six day safari
  • Animal tours according to your itinerary preferences
  • Private 4 wheel drive vehicle with a roof hatch
  • Professional safari and tour guide / driver
  • All Ngorongoro/Serengeti national park fees
  • All meals on the safari
  • All game viewing activities specified
  • Transfer from safari lodge to Grumeti airstrip
  • One way flight from Grumeti airstrip to Arusha airport including airport taxes – 15kg luggage allowance per person including hand luggage.
  • Transfer from Arusha airport to Arusha town
  • Price quoted per person sharing
  • Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees
  • Ngorongoro Conservation area vehicle permit increase
The safari and tour prices below exclude
  • Drinks and mineral water
  • Laundry
  • Items of personal nature
  • International and local airfares (not mentioned as included)
  • Airport taxes (not mentioned as included)
  • Any airport transfers & hotel accommodation before / after the safari
  • Entry visas
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips and gratuities
  • Possible concession fees
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 KILIMANJARO JOY TOURS & SAFARI LTD experience Lake Manyara, the Great Rift Valley escarpment, tree climbing lions, Olduvai gorge ‘cradle of mankind’, last remains of early man, Ngorongoro crater the Eighth wonder of the world and two biospheres.
Day 1: Tanzania Adventure Safari depart from Arusha Airport in the morning to Lake Manyara. On arrival, you will be met and transferred to Lake Manyara Serena Lodge. Perched a top the Rift Valley escarpment the lodge has 67 rooms including 1 suite providing panoramic views across the volcano-studded floor of the Great Rift Valley.
After lunch, proceed for an afternoon game drive in this park situated between the escarpment of the Great Rift Valley and Lake Manyara. Abundant birdlife include flamingos, bee-eaters, forest dwelling crowned eagles, waterfowls, crowned cranes, snipes and pratincoles whareas game animals include the Buffalo, Elephant, Giraffe, Impala, hippo, hippos, baboons and a great variety of smaller animals. The park is also renowned for its tree-climbing lions. Dinner and overnight at Lake Manyara Serena Lodge.


Day 2: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast proceed through the coffees farms of Karatu and continue into the Ngorongoro highlands. Ngorongoro Crater is located within the Ngorongoro Conservation Area a huge area that contains active volcanoes, mountains, archeological sites, rolling plains, forests, lakes, dunes and of course, Ngorongoro Crater and Olduvai Gorge. Continue to ascend the exterior of the crater reaching its rim and have a first glimpse of what has often been referred to as the ‘Eighth wonder of the world’.
You have lunch at Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge, which is perched on the jagged rim of the crater. Wreathed in morning mist, camouflaged in river-stone and cloaked in indigenous creepers it is a triumph of ecological and architectural fusion. In the afternoon visit the Masai boma. Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.

Day 3: Tanzania Adventure Safari after an early breakfast, head to the floor of the crater for an opportunity to view delicate balance of predator and prey in their endless quest for survival. Here grassland blends into swamps, lakes, rivers, woodland and mountains – all a heaven for wildlife, including the densest predator population in Africa. The crater is home to up to 25,000 large mammals, mainly grazers – gazelle, buffalo, eland, hartebeest and warthog. The crater elephants are strangely, mainly bulls. There are a small number of black rhinos here too. The birdlife is largely seasonal and is also affected by the ratio of soda to fresh water in Lake Magadi on the crater floor. Picnic lunch might be carried to be enjoyed by a water pond. When the sun nears the crater’s west rim you return to Ngorongoro Serena Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 4: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast drive to Olduvai Gorge in Serengeti National Park. Olduvai Gorge ‘the cradle of Mankind’ is an archaeological site located in the eastern Serengeti Plains. It is here that the remains of the early man Homo sapiens were found. The gorge is a very steep sided ravine roughly 30 miles long and 295 ft. deep. Exposed deposits show rich fossil fauna, many hominid remains and items belonging to the one of the oldest stone tool technologies, called Olduwan. The time span of the objects recovered date from 2,100,000 to 15,000 years ago.
Later continue to the Nabi Gate to start your exploration of vast plains of the Serengeti whose endless rolling plains reach up to the Kenyan border and extend almost to Lake Victoria. The park is flourishes with magnificent wildlife. An estimated 3 million large animals roam the plains. After lunch at Serengeti Serena Lodge proceed for an afternoon game drive until sunset.
The lodge has 66 rooms including 1 suite. Each room is accommodated in a stone-built, traditionally-thatched ‘Rondavel’, featuring natural stone bathrooms, wildwood balconies, rope-lashed staircases, leopard-print drapes and intricately carved furniture. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Serena Lodge.

Day 5: Tanzania Adventure Safari have morning and afternoon game drives exploring the Serengeti plains. The Serengeti is known as one the best wildlife sanctuary in the world as well as for the migration of animals. Every October and November, more than a million wildebeest and about 220,000 zebras travel south from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short tropical rains, and then journey west and north after the long rains in April to June. Two World Heritage Sites and two Biosphere Reserves have been established within this area. Dinner and overnight at Serengeti Serena Lodge.
Day 6: Tanzania Adventure Safari after breakfast, transfer to Seronera airstrip for the flight back to Arusha Airport for your onward travel plans.
1 Transport with 4×4
2 All park fees
3 3 meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner
4 Accommodation in the camp
5 Driver English speaking.
Not Included
1 Drinking water
2 Visas
3 Personal spending money for beers, sodas, cigarettes
4 Tips
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5 days Tanzania Budget Safari occurrence with completely private Classic  camping safari all the way through the world heritage Serengeti plains with the great wildebeest  migrations, Crater tour in Ngorongoro and the Great Rift Valley among the earth features and only biosphere reserve in northern Tanzania; Lake Manyara.

Day 1: Arrival  at Kilimanjaro international Airport
 Arrival at Kilimanjaro international Airport you will be met by our  Safari Guide, who will welcome you and give you a short briefing before drive to  Arusha for your dinner and overnight at Ilboru Safari Lodge

Day 2: Lake Manyara National Park 
In the morning after breakfast you will drive to Lake Manyara National park the Great Rift Valley among the earth features and only biosphere reserve in north Tanzania. In the evening you will enjoy your game drive in Lake Manyara National Park, the most spectacularly located wildlife areas in Tanzania. From the entrance gate, the road wind speed through a spread of lush jungle where hundreds of strong baboon troops lounge nonchalantly along the roadside. The park is world eminent for tree climbing lions which you may be lucky to see them in the twigs of trees. The attractions include thousands of pink hued flamingos, baboons, elephant, large buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, and blue monkeys. Late in the afternoon you will be drive to Heaven Nature Campsite in Manyara your dinner and overnight. 

Day 3: Serengeti National Park 
After breakfast, you will start your safari to Serengeti National Park with your picnic lunch. As we drive through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and on to the Serengeti National Park, en route you will begin to experience the utter hugeness of this area, and you will marvel at the multitude of animal and bird life while cruising through this remarkable open area.In other way you will enjoyvan afternoon game drive in the endless plains of the Serengeti for a chance to see the great flocks of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles or a pride of lions lounging in the shade. Dinner and overnight at the Campsite in the Central Serengeti.

Day 4: Ngorongoro  Conservation Area 
Early breakfast at the camp, depart for the Morning game drive in Central  Serengeti National Park ,en route to  Ngorongoro Conservation Area with your picnic lunch, We will stopover at Olduvai Gorge, boasting with a history dating back to the dawn of time. It was here, that the anthropologists Drs. Lois and Mary Leakey discovered the skulls of ‘Nutcracker Man’ and Handy Man, both very significant links in the chain of human evolution. You may visit Maasai Cultures if you are interested, and then proceed in the afternoon game drive in the Conservation area. Dinner and overnight Camping at the crater rim.

Day 5: Crater tour- Arusha 
Today after breakfast we will descend 2000 feet (over 600 meters) to the floor of the crater for a half day crater tour with your packed lunches. Explore the forest areas that are inhabited by monkeys and elephants, the lake area, where you see the large flocks of flamingo sand the open Savannah where the lions hunt for food. After lunch drive back to Arusha, then transferred to Kilimanjaro airport for your flight. End of our services.
Please Contact us for 5 days 5 days Tanzania Budget Safari  and receive 10% off discount .
1 Transport with 4×4
2 All park fees
3 3 meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner
4 Accommodation in the camp
5 Driver English speaking.
Not Included
1 Drinking water
2 Visas
3 Personal spending money for beers, sodas, cigarettes
4 Tips
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